NO CAFFEINE or alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment - this includes your morning coffee (even decaf), tea, kombucha, matcha, chai, sodas, as well as beer, wine, hard liquor, etc. the afternoon and night before your appointment.
No fish oil, magnesium, anticoagulants or blood thinning drugs 4 days prior to your appointment - this includes ibuprofen, Advil, or similar.
Do not receive any injections, or advanced exfoliation services 2 weeks prior (and 4 weeks after) your appointment - this includes botox/filler, laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, etc.
For Eyeliner: You must discontinue use of any eyelash enhancing/growth serums or similar products 2 months prior to your appointment. IF YOU HAVE LASH EXTENSIONS, THEY MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO YOUR EYELINER APPOINTMENT.
You can have caffeine, alcohol, any pain medication, etc. as soon as you leave your appointment!
Always wash your hands before tending to your brows.
First 48 hours: Dab your brows with a clean paper towel every 30 minutes after leaving your appointment to remove any lymph fluid (cloudy yellow substance). Apply Aquaphor as needed to keep the brows lubricated, but not drowning in Aquaphor (very thin layer).
Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor when your brows start to feel noticeably tight. Apply by dabbing the qtip across the brow. There shouldn't be a visible thickness to the Aquaphor - don't overdo it. It’s okay for scabs to start to form, and if you experience a little flakiness.
DO NOT wash your brows for the first 6 days. Water will cause any scabs to soften and lift off too soon, resulting in patchiness of the healed tattoo. When showering, lather your hair slowly, then cup your hands on your forehead over your brows to prevent water from spraying onto them. Do not put your face into the shower stream. Do not wash your face in the shower. Wash your face in front of a mirror to be sure you are avoiding the treatment area completely. Once you’ve lost your last scab (or by day 7), you can gently wash your brows with a gentle cleanser to remove any buildup on your brows. If you still have a few scabs that are clearly still attached, do not intentionally try to remove them. Allow them to fall off naturally, and continue to wash your brows gently everyday until they do.
Do not pick, scratch, or rub any skin flakes or scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of pigment.
Avoid getting soaps, shampoos/conditioners or other cleansers on the treated area for the first week.
DO NOT apply makeup to the tattooed area until your scabs are gone (usually by day 7).
Do not tint/dye the treated area the month following the procedure.
Do not thread or wax the treated area for 2 weeks.
Avoid any activities or exercising that causes heavy sweating the 6 days following the procedure. Sweat can push the pigment out of the strokes. So no hot yoga, hot tubs, long showers, baths, steam rooms, saunas, or heavy cardio.
No swimming for 4 weeks.
Do not soak your face underwater or allow the shower to spray directly on your face for 2 weeks.
Avoid sun exposure the first 4 weeks by using a physical barrier to block the sun, i.e. a hat, umbrella, your car visor, a hood, etc. Apply sunscreen to the treated area when sun exposure is anticipated after the first 4 weeks.
Rinse treated area gently with baby wash if contact is made with chlorine, or other chemicals.
If you are having any skin care procedure done on your face, please inform the technician. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area and can lead to severe hyperpigmentation. Continue at your own discretion.
Do not schedule a hair appointment, facial, injections, or similar for the first 3 weeks. No massages the first 4 weeks.
What to Expect During the Healing
Copyright © Boulder Brows
No eye-makeup for 6 days.
Do not wet/wash your eyes for 6 days.
Apply Aquaphor to the treatment site as needed for 6 days.
Avoid direct sun exposure for 4 weeks.
You may ice your eyes as needed avoiding any condensation or moisture on the treatment site.
You can return to your regular makeup/cleansing routine on day seven/when all scabs are gone.
What to Expect During the Healing
Copyright © Boulder Brows
Wash very gently for up to 2 weeks - do not disturb any scabs that may be forming.
Apply Aquaphor as needed directly onto each beauty mark for up to 5 days.
Do not apply makeup, moisturizer, or any other beauty/skincare products to them for 2 weeks.
Do not pick at any scabs or flaking. Allow them to fall off naturally.
Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks by wearing a hat to protect the treated areas.
What to Expect During the Healing
Copyright © Boulder Brows
Let the area breathe! Do not cover the treated area with any kind of occlusive barrier (like cellophane), makeup, or any kind of ointment/cream.
Blot the treated area with a saline-dampened paper towel three times a day until scabs start to form.
Do not ice the treated area!
Avoid getting soaps, shampoos/conditioners or other cleansers on the treated area.
DO NOT wash the treated area as long as you have any visible scabs for up to 2 weeks. Water will draw the pigment out of the strokes, or cause scabs to soften and lift off too soon resulting in patchiness of the healed tattoo. For removal done on the face: When showering, lather your hair slowly, then cup your hands over your forehead to prevent water from spraying onto your face. Do not put your face into the shower stream. Do not wash your face in the shower, but rather wash your face in front of a mirror to be sure you are avoiding the treatment area completely. It’s safe to gently wash the area 2 weeks post-procedure to remove any buildup. If you still have a few scabs that are clearly still attached, do not intentionally try to remove them. Allow them to fall off naturally, and continue to wash the area gently everyday until they do.
Do not pick, scratch, or rub any skin flakes or scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring as well as decreasing the efficacy of the procedure.
Once all the scabs have fallen off naturally (roughly 7-10 days), apply the Vitamin E Oil 3-4 times a day for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Avoid any activities or exercising that causes heavy sweating until all the scabs have fallen off. So no hot yoga, hot tubs, long showers, baths, steam rooms, saunas, or heavy cardio.
Click here to see photos of Saline Tattoo Removal cases to make sure you're on track and healing normally.
SIGNS OF INFECTION: 1) Expanding redness around the treated area 3 or more days post-procedure, 2) Red streaking spreading from the wound 3 or more days post-procedure, 3) Increased swelling, tenderness, or pain around the area 3 or more days post-procedure, 4) Yellow or greenish pus or cloudy wound drainage, 5) Fever at any point during the following 2 weeks post-procedure
If you experience any of the above symptoms, please contact your doctor or seek medical care immediately. You need antibiotics to stop the spreading and to treat the infection as soon as possible.
Avoid using oils or products that contain oils directly on the brows. This can cause the color to fade more quickly.
If you decide to wear makeup on your brows, the removal of that makeup can cause the color to fade more quickly.